

 Chiveve is a symptom of less blood in your body (anaemia) 

Which may need to be boosted 

 It could be simply blood failing to circulate due to blocked veins (cholesterol).

Avoid fatty foods, 

Drink water with lemon juice as often as you can, 

Avoid too much salts

Avoid sweet foods, 

Avoid too much idle time.

You might be experiencing early signs of stroke because your veins could be getting clogged/blocked with the food you're taking. 

Mind your diet. 

If in pain, consider taking aspirin as well


 Sanganisai 1 teaspoon yecinnamon powder ne 1 spoon huchi

Idyai mangwanani kwemasvondo mashoma.


Boil mashizha emutohwe.

Inwa 3 times a day kwe 4 kana 5 days
